Wednesday 17 February 2016

Game design document

"method for tracking all the'll need a method for communicating information to them [the team]" (Mitchell.2012). The design document is a key way of communicating the designer's ideas to the team, from documenting the high concept document, to the art style. The document reference audio, lore and plot, game mechanics, quests and over aspects of the game. It is basically all you need to know on how to make the game. A game design document is different to a proposal design or a pitch presentation which is also used in the pre-production stage of the development of a game. A proposal design is a less detail document which describes the need to know basics of a game to use to proposal the concept to those you are working for to see if they like the idea. A pitch presentation is pitching the concept to a client to get them on board with the concept so the game gets a green light to go into development stage or get investment so a team has money to make this game a reality. The design document differs from these two as it is purely for the development team to understand what's the plan for the: audio, art, gameplay, goal ,challenge. feedback, reward est. 

Mitchell, B. (2012). Game design essentials. Indianapolis, In.: Wiley.

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