Wednesday 16 March 2016

Defining games

A game can be defined as a set of elements  working together that enables a person to have an experience through interaction with it. The aim is for the player to have a good or fun experience and to do this it is generally agreed that a game should include the following concepts:(Schell.J 2008) -

- are entered willfully
- have a goal
- have conflict
- have rules
- can be won or lost
- are interactive
- have challenge
- create their own internal value
- engage the players
- are closed, formal systems

This is based on theory developed by Chris Crawford. He discusses what a game is by asking questions and identifying what a game is not e.g.:-

 -a movie is not a game as you don't interact with it, 
 - a toy can be played with/ you can interact with it but it is not a game because there are no      goals. 
 - A rubic cubic whilst having a goal and a challenge is not a game as it has no competitors.(Stevens, M. 2013)

The diagram below shows Chris Crawford's logic tree on the definition of what a game is.

( 2013)

bibliography (2013). Chris Crawford's definition of a game. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Apr. 2016].

Schell, J. (2008). The art of game design. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann.

Stevens, M. (2013). Why Do We Play Games?. [online] Vsauce/YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 26 Apr. 2016].

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