Thursday, 21 January 2016

Goals, Challenges, Feedback and Rewards

This is a simple but essential aspects of game design. The goal is what the player is trying to achieve and involves varies challenges or obstacles that the player faces while trying to achieve the goal. This can include collecting a certain number of items to unlock the next level or a side quest within 'Lego Lord of the Rings'.

The feedback is the output results of the players input, this will help to understand if the player has collected an object they needed to complete the goal. This will include the lowering of the health level when injured( 'Half life') or feedback through hints on where to go, eg 'Tomb Raider'

Then the reward is what you get in return for completing the goal. This can include praise/ thanks for completing the quest or points for getting others to help you out, eg in final battle against the reapers in 'Mass effect 3'. Prolonged play was often used as a reward in the old acarade sytle games such as 'Pacman'. Another reward could be an additional power,e.g at end of cave character gets new dragon shout in 'skyrim'. (Schell, J. 2008 )


Schell, J. (2008). The art of game design. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, p.190.

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